Your stories

Chloé’s Story

Chloé has been a member of the Horfield Changes Bristol group since 2014. Read Chloé’s inspiring and personal story about her own experience of mental health during pregnancy and the early years of motherhood.

Jess’ Story

Jess has struggled with depression, anxiety, self-harming and eating disorders for as long as she can remember. Read about her journey and how Changes Bristol has played a key part in her recovery.

Jason’s Story

Jason is Project Manager at Changes Bristol, and started his journey with Changes Bristol over 10 years ago, when he visited his first meeting as a member. Find out how Changes Bristol has helped him.

Steven’s Story

Steven has been attending Changes for nearly 10 years and is a regular member of the Horfield, Beehive and Barton Hill Groups. Read some of Steven’s inspiring poetry and find out how Changes has helped him. 

Francis’ Story

Francis’ first experience with Changes Bristol was by accident in 2013. Since then, Francis has been visiting a few meetings and the last 6 years he has been volunteering as a group facilitator. Find out how beneficial Changes Bristol has been for Francis and how he ended up volunteering.

Registered address

Changes Bristol
Barton Hill Settlement
41-43 Ducie Road
Lawrence Hill

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