Walk and Talk Archives - Changes Bristol https://changesbristol.org.uk/category/walk-and-talk/ Mental Health Support Wed, 03 Aug 2022 09:20:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3 https://changesbristol.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/favicon-150x150.png Walk and Talk Archives - Changes Bristol https://changesbristol.org.uk/category/walk-and-talk/ 32 32 New Project – Keep Going Keep Growing https://changesbristol.org.uk/keep-going-keep-growing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=keep-going-keep-growing Thu, 28 Apr 2022 09:52:49 +0000 https://changesbristol.org.uk/?p=9843 The post New Project – Keep Going Keep Growing appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Join us: New nature connection and gardening project

Through running our Walk and Talk project over the last year, we have found that spending time in nature can improve our mental health. Through increased positive feelings of wellbeing, in turn we can help our natural environment thrive. Therefore, we’re delighted to announce that we will be opening a new project based around nature connection and gardening, giving you a chance to learn from your environment, grow food and find wellbeing outside.

When is this taking place?

Every Tuesday from 17th May
Running from 10.30am – 1.30pm
All equipment will be provided
We will be running our project, Keep Going Keep Growing at various sites in Bristol, mainly at the Wellspring Settlement in Barton Hill and Boiling Wells in St Werburghs

Interested? Sign up easy, just email growing@changesbristol.org and we will send you a weekly email with directions on where to find us in advance. If you don’t have access to email, please call the office on 0141 536 0920 and we can add you to our attendance list.

Although this project is running on a weekly basis, you do not need to come along every week and can just attend on dates that suit you.

Anything else you need to know?

  • No referral or formal diagnosis required
  • Adults only – you need to be over 18 to attend
  • Advance booking needed – details & session location will be shared in advance
  • Free to attend you don’t need to pay anything

What will we be doing?

We will combine nature connection and wellbeing practices, mindfulness, creative craftwork with gardening and growing food. Sessions will be based around the 5 pathways to nature connection:

1. Contact
The act of engaging with nature through the senses for pleasure e.g. listening to birdsong, smelling wild flowers, watching the sunset.

2. Beauty
Engagement with the aesthetic qualities of nature, e.g. appreciating natural scenery or engaging with nature through the arts.

3. Meaning
Using nature or natural symbolism (e.g. language and metaphors) to represent an idea, thinking about the meaning of nature and signs of nature, e.g. the first swallow of summer.

4. Emotion
An emotional bond with, and love for nature e.g. talking about, and reflecting on your feelings about nature.

5. Compassion
Extending the self to include nature, leading to a moral and ethical concern for nature e.g. making ethical product choices, being concerned with animal welfare.

We will combine these pathways together with the 5 ways to wellbeing, find out more about this set of ideas to make improvements on your life here.

Through connecting with nature, some benefits to your wellbeing may include reducing stress, improving creativity, reducing anxiety, better sleep, growing food, learning simple wellbeing practices and connecting with others.

Keep Going Keep Growing will be run by our Project Workers, Jen Witts and Charlie Baxter.

Email – growing@changesbristol.org

Telephone – 0141 536 0920

You may have seen Jen at one of our peer support groups. As well as running meetings, she also has many years experience facilitating groups outside, focussed on promoting wellbeing and connecting with nature. Jen believes passionately in the ability of nature to transform our connection to ourselves, our land and our communities in a physical, emotional and spiritual sense. She’s looking forward to exploring all of the ways to connect together and with nature with this group!

Things to be mindful of when joining sessions:
  • Consider inclusive, non-discriminatory language when talking to staff and other members
  • Give space to others and distance if they request it
  • Please do not take photographs of participants 
  • Refrain from attending sessions under the influence of alcohol and other substances
  • Please keep information shared within the group confidential
  • Be patient with others

Please be mindful that we will be working outdoors in a variety of conditions, often using tools. Ensure that you are dressed suitably for the sessions, take responsibility for your own physical wellbeing and always advise us if you have any mobility/access needs so that we can find suitable tasks for you.  

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Bristol Befriending Week https://changesbristol.org.uk/bristol-befriending-week/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bristol-befriending-week Tue, 29 Mar 2022 08:51:31 +0000 https://changesbristol.org.uk/?p=9729 The post Bristol Befriending Week appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Bristol Befriending Week – 25th – 30th April

It has been two years since we started our telephone befriending service with the expectation of helping 20-25 people during lockdown. Since those naïve days this service has grown and grown, to date supporting 164 individuals (3322 befriending hours). Of this number, 109 members no longer require this service and are able to support their mental wellbeing independently or through attending Changes Bristol peer support groups.

Befriending is a free one-to-one service which is available to anyone who lives in Bristol, contact befriending@changesbristol.org to find out more.

Join our new campaign launching from the 25th – 30th April – Bristol Befriending Week. During this time we will be celebrating friendship, community and connecting with others.

How can I join in?

Bristol Befriending Week is a campaign asking people to connect, share and take notice. Changes Bristol will be running free events throughout the week that our members are welcome to come along to. If you would like to take part in any of these free events, just email befriending@changesbristol.org to show your interest. Free events running that week:

  • Monday 25th – 11am – 1pm – Photography Walk
  • Tuesday 26th – 6pm – 7pm – Yoga for Relaxation
  • Wednesday 27th – 10am – 12.30pm – Walk and Talk (Bristol)
  • Thursday 28th – 1.30 – 3.30 – Gardening Workshop
  • Friday 29th – 10.45 – 11.45 – Yoga Workshop
  • Friday 29th – 12pm – 5pm – Changes member social

A friendship that has meant a lot to you

We’ve been asking some of our friends to tell us their stories about a connection that has meant a lot to them. This could be a family member, friend or someone that they hardly know. You might recognise some of the faces on our video, we’ve been speaking to all sorts of Bristolians including Donna Speed, CEO of We The Curious; Prince Taylor, Trustee at the Arnolfini; Councillor Lorraine Francis, of Eastville ward; Joanna Holmes, CEO of the Wellspring Settlement and George Friend, digital creator and fashion influencer. We’re asking everyone to take a moment to think about a connection that has meant a lot to them.

Changes Bristol social event

The team at Changes will be running a social event on Friday 29th April from 12pm – 5pm at Eastville Park. This is free to attend and we will have some snacks and drinks available which have been donated by Asda Patchway but we recommend bringing your own lunch and a bottle of water. If you prefer to sit on a blanket rather than the grass, please bring one along as well as any games – we’re hoping to get a couple of teams for a rounders tournament. 

We will have our Changes Bristol gazebo set up on the top field in front of the basketball court, so you should find us there. 

Mental Health resources across our community

We recognise that most people would use a range of services to improve their mental wellbeing and make positive changes to their lives. We’ve added a list of charities and community groups in and around Bristol, as well as nationwide. 

Mental Health support in Bristol

National resources


Time to Change

A confidential helpline which is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year. 
116 123

A confidential freephone helpline giving a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress
T: 0808 808 0330

Sane Mental Illness Helpline
Out-of-hours telephone helpline offering emotional support and information. 4.30pm – 10.30pm every day.
T: 0300 304 7000

Mindline Trans+
A confidential emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender Fluid and Non-binary.
T: 0300 330 5468 (Mon, Wed & Fri, 8pm – Midnight)

Calm: Campaign against living miserably
Helpline for men in the UK open from 5pm-12, 365 days a year
T: 0800 58 58 58

Local resources

Wellaware website
A website containing information on a wide range of organisations designed to improve wellbeing.

Bristol Mental Health
Range of Psychological services for Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
Self referral or referral by GP
T: 0117 982 3209

Social Anxiety West
Self help groups for those suffering social anxiety
T: 0117 230 7735
Text: 0117 230 7735
Email: email@sawest.org

IMHN (Independent Mental Health Network)
T: 0117 405 5863
Email: bimhn@imhn.org

Range of therapeutic services for women with mental health problems
T: 0345 458 2914 or 0117 916 6461

The Hope Project: Second Step
For men between the ages between 30 and 64.
T: 0117 4288 930

Andys Man Club
Talking groups for men who have either been through a storm, are currently going through a storm or have a storm brewing in life.
Email: info@andysmanclub.co.uk

Nilaari Agency
Offers counselling to Black and Minority Ethnics for people with mental health issues. Free service.
T: 0117 952 5742

Stand against racism and inequality
T: 0017 942 0060
Email: sari@sariweb.org.uk

Off The Record
A mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
T: 0808 808 9120
Email: hello@otrbristol.org.uk

South Bristol Youth
Helping young people develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to better understand pathways to apprenticeships, higher education and high-quality employment.
T: 07940 309892 (Emily)
Email: emily.bailey@southbristolyouth.org.uk

T: 020 7089 5050

Bristol Mental Health Crisis Line
T: 0300 555 0334

Cruse Bereavement
Free bereavement counselling
T: 0117 926 4045
National website: https://www.cruse.org.uk

Rosie Crane Trust
24hr listening helpline for bereaved parents
T: 01460 55120

Soundwell Music Therapy Trust 
Offers a range of music therapy and music support groups, based in South Bristol. 
T: 07938679667 or  0300 365 3400  

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Photography Walks – Gallery https://changesbristol.org.uk/photography-walks-gallery-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=photography-walks-gallery-2 Mon, 14 Mar 2022 14:42:05 +0000 https://changesbristol.org.uk/?p=9641 The post Photography Walks – Gallery appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Exhibition on Nature

We are enjoying the awesome power of nature through a series of photography walks. Here we celebrate our photographers talents with a gallery exhibiting their incredible images. These will be added to as the series continues, to view the seasonal transformation within this gallery space.

If you’re a Changes Bristol member and would like to connect with nature and find out more about our free photography walks, please contact befriending@changesbristol.org

Spring Photography Walk






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Around Bristol in 31 Days https://changesbristol.org.uk/around-bristol/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=around-bristol Wed, 02 Feb 2022 12:09:00 +0000 https://changesbristol.org.uk/?p=9525 The post Around Bristol in 31 Days appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Walk around Bristol in a month!

Join us throughout March and challenge yourself to walk the circumference of Bristol. This is a virtual walk that can take place anywhere at any point during the month, celebrating our lovely city!

If you would like to take part in this challenge we ask if you can walk 110km (68 miles) from the 1st – 31st March. This length is the circumference around the city. You can take part in this walk anywhere you wish over a number of days / weeks as long as you start and end inside the month.

Walk details – 110km / 68 miles / 195,711 steps

Interested in joining this challenge? Register your interest HERE

How to take part

All you need to do is start walking and measure your distance. You can measure the length by remembering how many miles you’ve made; or if you would like to use an app, we recommend Strava, a Fitbit or pedometer.

You can take part in this challenge independently or get a team together and your miles can be added collectively!

You are also welcome to join our Walk and Talk team, we meet in green spaces in Bristol every Wednesday morning and in South Glos every Friday morning. All you need to do to join is register as a member and we’ll email you out our meeting places.

Will you be passing any of Bristol’s beautiful parks, historical landmarks or iconic waterways during your walk? Take a snap, share your picture with us and tag us on social media!

Places we recommend visiting include the cultural harbourside, scenic views across Clifton Downs and peaceful Ashton Court.

We’d love to have you on board. This challenge is completely accessible and costs nothing to join. All you need to do is register your interest HERE – we will then get in touch and send you one of our sports tops so you can show everyone what you’re walking for.

If you’re interested in fundraising for us, set up a JustGiving page HERE. Just press Start Fundraising and you can join the other fundraisers who are taking part. As a small community led charity, with very little in staff costs and overheads, your fundraising will directly benefit our mental health support services.

Any donations made will directly fund our mental health support groups and befriending service, helping people to make positive changes to their life and mental wellbeing.

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