Achievements Archives - Changes Bristol Mental Health Support Mon, 14 Mar 2022 14:42:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Achievements Archives - Changes Bristol 32 32 Photography Walks – Gallery Mon, 14 Mar 2022 14:42:05 +0000 The post Photography Walks – Gallery appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Exhibition on Nature

We are enjoying the awesome power of nature through a series of photography walks. Here we celebrate our photographers talents with a gallery exhibiting their incredible images. These will be added to as the series continues, to view the seasonal transformation within this gallery space.

If you’re a Changes Bristol member and would like to connect with nature and find out more about our free photography walks, please contact

Spring Photography Walk






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Gratitude Tree Messages Thu, 09 Dec 2021 16:40:06 +0000 The post Gratitude Tree Messages appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Messages of Gratitude

This year we were proud to be nominated as chosen partner charity with St Mary Redcliffe for Treefest. This 4-day event celebrated both the festive season and the local community, with and exhibition of 50 Christmas trees donated by Bristol based organisations, charities and community groups. The church had over 2,000 people in attendance over the 4-day event with entertainment from a variety of choirs.

Ours was a Gratitude Tree, which offered an opportunity for people to share what they’re grateful for and get involved with dressing our tree by adding messages of thanks as decoration. We were delighted to see so many people of all ages get involved and wanted to use this space to celebrate the messages added. Huge thank you to everyone who came along to Treefest and shared what they’re grateful for.

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Photography Walks – Gallery Tue, 26 Oct 2021 10:13:33 +0000 The post Photography Walks – Gallery appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Exhibition on Nature

We are enjoying the awesome power of nature through a series of photography walks. Here we celebrate our photographers talents with a gallery exhibiting their incredible images. These will be added to as the series continues, to view the seasonal transformation within this gallery space.

If you’re a Changes Bristol member and would like to connect with nature and find out more about our free photography walks, please contact

Autumn Photography Walk






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Build a Quilt for Changes Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:09:41 +0000 The post Build a Quilt for Changes appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Can you sew and want to help us to make a quilt?

Our amazing volunteer Debbie has agreed to create a quilt which will help with Changes Bristol’s fundraising needs. She is asking for help in making the patchwork blocks which will be made into a quilt, created by the community of Changes supporters. We will offer the finished quilt in the Changes Quilt Raffle in October to raise vital funds to help support people in mental health distress.

“I’ve been volunteering with Changes for nearly 12 months and I love it. I especially enjoy the group meetings, where everyone gets a chance to share how they are. The members are so kind and supportive to each other. It’s a safe space to talk about mental health, life challenges and also to share tips and success.
Just £10 (2x raffle donations) will pay for someone to receive their weekly call from a trained Befriender, checking in on their wellbeing and easing feelings of isolation.
I’ve been sewing for 9 years and find it such a helpful way to support my mental health. The creative process allows me to take time away from everyday life and I get so caught up in sewing. Designing and creating items is a real joy, and I find it gives me focus and structure to my day. I’m grateful to have been able to turn my hobby into a business, and the new lifestyle means I can take better care of myself and my family.”
Help us build a stripy rainbow quilt 

Please make one (or more!) 8.5 x 8.5 inch patchwork blocks in one colour using the method below. Use 100% cotton in bright colours – left over/scrap fabrics from other projects are perfect. Solid/plain fabrics or fabrics with small patterns are great (please avoid large patterns if possible) in one of these colours per block – red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and purple (violet).

You can make as many blocks as you want – please make a range of colours if possible.



How to make a quilt square

Fabric requirements:

  • Background cotton fabric (any colour, won’t be seen) 9 inch square
  • Strips of cotton fabric in your chosen colour. Width between 1.5 and 2.5 inches. (Longest length needed is 13 inches)
  • 3 inch squares for corners (cut on diagonal)


  1. On your 9 x 9 inch background block, lay the first colour strip right side up, diagonally corner to corner. (pin or use small amount of fabric glue to hold in place).
  2. Take next strip and lay right side down on top of centre strip, matching raw edge and sew along that raw edge (using a ¼ inch seam allowance if possible) – ensure the strip covers the background fabric
  3. Open out the strip of fabric and use an iron to press flat
  4. Add next strip right side down, matching raw edge and sew along diagonal. Open out and iron flat.
  5. Continue adding strips of fabric on both sides until you get near corners. At each stage ensure the new strip will cover the background fabric.
  6. For the corners cut a 3 inch square on the diagonal. Sew this piece as above (place right side down and match raw edge).
  7. Once the background fabric is covered, iron well and turn over. Cut the excess using the background fabric as a guide.
  8. If you feel confident cut the square to 8.5 x 8.5 inches (cut from all 4 edges to ensure the first strip stays in centre of block). The blocks can be trimmed when quilt is assembled so don’t worry if you don’t feel confident to do final trim.
  9. Take a photo of your finished block(s) so you can identify them in the final quilt!

When you’ve made your block(s) please send to: Changes Bristol, Barton Hill Settlement, 43 Ducie Road, Lawrence Hill, Bristol, BS5 0AX

We have added a video below to show the instructions. If you have any questions do contact Debbie:

If you have any questions, or have another crafty fundraising idea to help Changes Bristol that you’ll like to share with us, please get in touch with us via email –

Fancy winning the quilt?

If you fancy your chance at winning this beautiful quilt, then simply make a donation (£5 per name draw – you can donate more for multiple draws and a higher chance of winning) at our Justgiving page and you will be entered in to a draw to win the quilt!


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Art & Our Mental Health: A Celebration Thu, 10 Dec 2020 16:43:32 +0000 The post Art & Our Mental Health: A Celebration appeared first on Changes Bristol.

During the pandemic, having a creative outlet has been more important than ever for many of our members, staff and volunteers. At the end of this shocker of a year, we wanted to celebrate some of this work and share how it’s helped us.
Sayam Mukherjee

I realised the potential to art when I was driven to experiencing extreme emotions that I couldn’t express easily through words. It has become a life support and I am able to reflect more positivity when I create and can be a happier person for my family as well. I find art a deeply personal experience that helps me to let go of things I cannot control. I truly believe in its healing powers and I strongly feel that everyone should have access to it and try it at least once.

Hazel Crimmins

Once I learned to create things for the pleasure of it, that became my most effective coping strategy. Even in the darkest times I can still bring beauty into the world.

Hana Moonface

My creative practice is a form of meditation as it takes to me to a place of total expression and allows me to dig deep. I tend to take my time, enjoy the process, and stay open to anything new that appears.

Occasionally I’ll do quick, cathartic sketches to release overwhelming emotions that are otherwise quite hard to pin down. This can bring up subjects in my work that I was not intending to come through. They can often present new ways for me to deal with my worries, as well as inspire new art that I can give to the world!

Hana has a website here, and an Instagram here

Tara Robinson

I find making things gently empowering. However broken I feel, when I am creating I am strong and centred; I am bringing something into the world that did not exist before and would not exist without me.

Francis More O’Ferrall

Art has been a great way for me to maintain good mental health as it is very beneficial in developing ones inner self and identity. It is also a very innocuous activity which is good for your self esteem. I love my art and especially the feedback I get from others.

John Cocking

I went to a confidence building group and someone asked me “What does the Dalai Lama and Madonna have in common?” The answer is a love of art. That started me off – I went to Wilkinson’s and got some paints and canvases. It was 40 years since I’d done a drawing. Now I draw most days – animals, plants, cars, people, buildings – anything! 

Susan Mateos
Ron Preddy

Art has helped me explore more things that are kept quiet – I was told not to bring things out throughout my life and the art helps me bring it out.

I like abstract work and in lockdown it’s helped a hell of a lot, as long as I’ve got commissions from my befriender!

Alex Henden
Art and drawing is incredibly meditative and mindful for me, I always feel like time stops and it gives my mind a chance to empty.
I love drawing and will never stop
Leanna Howe

Crafting is something that eases my anxieties about everyday life. I find the repetitive movements of both crochet and embroidery relaxes my mind.


For more of Leanna’s work visit her Instagram here. Or here to purchase some of her crafts.

Jacqui B

Artwork and creativity has always been a very good way to channel and express what is going on for me emotionally.

David Marks

Art is the medium that grounds me to the present. The present is a moment before the future. A future is living beyond the past. The past is where my trauma now rests!

Spending time on a drawing or painting helps me focus on something outside of myself for a while. It’s a meditative process. I put on some music and get lost in the stokes or pencil marks.
Sometimes something pops into my head and I try it out on a page as a sketch or drawing. Not everything makes it to paint. I like to doodle a lot and that’s when I let the marks carry themselves into a pattern.
Katherine Black
Art is important to me. For many years I didn’t make time for it and my mental health suffered as a result. It is my own pressure release valve and I can express emotion when you don’t feel like talking. I’m glad I’ve found it again and some of the head space it has given me.

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WINNERS: Poetry Competition Fri, 09 Oct 2020 23:00:20 +0000 The post WINNERS: Poetry Competition appeared first on Changes Bristol.


We were bowled over by the rawness in so many of the submissions for our first ever Poetry Competition in partnership with Arkbound Publishers. As one of our members told us “Poetry is my escape gate to get through life – I love it” and we can see that love in so many of the poems submitted.

We will be featuring more than just these winners over the next few weeks but for now, to celebrate World Mental Health Day, here are the two that were selected by our judge Trasi from Urban Word Collective. Winners will receive a copy of Harriet Knock’s new poetry collection Emerging from the Storm.

Chloe Lake
Winner of the UK-wide competition

Light up the skies

Storms start with torrential rain and somber skies;
It’s like the world has heard our cries.
Thrashings of thunder with electrical lightening,
the buildup of anger can be quite frighting.
But just when we feel like we’re struggling to cope,
the clearing of clouds reveals a beacon of hope.
A colourful arc illuminates the sky,
and shows a magical place where bluebirds fly.
Forever rainbow chasing that pot of gold,
discovering the childhood lies we were told.
Finding the light in darkness can be tough,
especially when the journey has been so rough.
But try to remember -when the blanket of darkness covers the day,
the stars will always guide the way.
They graciously glow, and light our universes skies,
A spectacle of a billion dancing fireflies.
As the sun rises and sets each passing day,
with new beginnings and endings cast our way.
The shadows of our past can hide the light,
but keep your destination within your sites.
Your journey’s been long, look how far you have come,
start each day anew, with the rising of the sun.
As you make it through, from dust to dawn,
remind yourself ‘you are emerging from the storm’.

Debbie Smith
Winner of the Changes members & volunteers competition

Loss Pain Hope

5 years ago I lost my treasure. My heart was broken and I was changed, forever.

My dreams, so close, were snatched away and I was left shaken, bruised and wondering.

Time passed, hopes raised but were dashed time and time again. Each year when I looked back on the date, things were worse. Pain increased year on year. Each year I was more broken (how can that be?)

I ploughed on. I kept fighting. I pushed away the fears. I fought through the quicksand that threatened to overwhelm me. I borrowed against all my reserves, until I could do no more.

The dam broke. I had to stop. I had to face my fears. I had to stand still and let the pain wash over me. I had to feel it all. Years of emotion burst. I was broken.

And I survived. Slowly, slowly, slowly a new shoot grew from the wreckage. Gently I tended the fragile sprout of hope, of future. It was new, tender hopes, new ways of being, unfamiliar. A new me. Slowly (and I mean slowly) the clouds began to part.

I fought on, but in a new way. This time it was a voyage of discovery. Who am I now? Who do I want to be? A scary journey. But with a brighter future.

And now I’m in a new place; it’s different to where I thought I’d be. The pain will forever be a part of me, but there is new life too. Is this the destination or another stop on the journey? I don’t know. But I am calm.

Now I don’t fight against the quicksand. But it doesn’t take me.

I am grateful; I am changed. 

Winners will receive a copy of Harriet Knock’s new collection Emerging from the Storm to celebrate World Mental Health Day. Huge congratulations to all who participated. Submissions were judged anonymously. 

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Face Masks for Mental Wellbeing Mon, 20 Jul 2020 11:51:06 +0000 The post Face Masks for Mental Wellbeing appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Masks for Good is a new initiative set up by Changes Bristol’s skilled sewing volunteers who are usually providing a clothing alteration and repair service at Mend for Good events in corporate offices.

With all events currently on hold, our talented volunteers have been busy making the latest must-have accessory for this season and they are the definition of style.

So why not make a donation to support mental health services in Bristol, and order a beautifully crafted face mask!

Optimum design
  • In-built wiring so you can shape it to fit nicely over your nose – which not only improves the efficiency of the mask but also stops your glasses from fogging up.
  • Two layers with a sleeve to add in your own replaceable filter.
  • These masks are washable (and the fabrics have already been washed at 60′ to avoid any shrinking).
  • We’ve carefully selected a design which fits snug to your face and is comfortable to wear throughout the day.
Tailored to fit you

You can choose from the following 3 sizes:

  • Large (would fit most men)
  • Medium (would fit most women and teenagers)
  • Small (would fit most children aged 6 -12 years)
Choose your stylemask selfie

You can choose from patterned or plain fabric. We have a huge variety of beautiful fabrics donated – we won’t be able to specify exactly which fabric you will receive but if you have a strong preference over colour please do let us know.

Elastic or Ties

Choose your preference:

  • Elastic loops to go around your ear (which makes the masks easier to put on/take off)
  • Cotton ties which you can tie around the back of your head (which help the mask fit more snug to your face).

Offering these options allows you to ensure you get the very best from your mask in fit, comfort and can go about your errands in style!

How to order your mask

To reduce postage and packaging waste we are taking a minimum of 2 masks per order.

  1. Fill in our order form here
  2. Make your donation on our Masks For Good JustGiving Page (please include your name and tick to share your contact details with Masks for Good so we can match your donation to your order)

Your donation for your masks will directly fund our mental health support groups and befriending service, helping people to make positive changes to their life and mental wellbeing. 

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Crochet for Changes Thu, 11 Jun 2020 14:49:40 +0000 The post Crochet for Changes appeared first on Changes Bristol.


Our Volunteer Leanna has been busy at work, asking people from in and around Bristol, to donate crochet granny squares to be made into a blanket, that will be raffled off to raise funds for our Emergency Appeal.

Thanks to the generosity of crafters, we have now received over 100 squares, which Leanna is starting to stitch together.

If you would like to win the beautiful, collaborative blanket, simply make a donation (amount of your choice) to Leanna’s Just Giving page (link below) and you will be entered into a draw to win the blanket!

The winner will be drawn on 13th July
, and contacted via email, so please ensure you have allowed Crochet for Changes to see your details (on the payment page you will be asked to tick a box to allow this).

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Announcement: New Befriending Service Thu, 07 May 2020 08:16:30 +0000 The post Announcement: New Befriending Service appeared first on Changes Bristol.


September 2020 update: unfortunately we are unable to take any new referrals for our befriending service. 

Not all our members feel comfortable attending online meetings (or they do not have the technology) so we have set up a befriending service matching volunteers with members for an informal weekly phone chat and check-in.

What is a befriender?

A befriender is usually one of our trained volunteers who can give you a weekly call to see how you’re doing. They often have lived experience of mental health issues themselves and are used to running peer support groups for us at Changes Bristol. They will be happy to listen to you speak about how you’re feeling (good or bad), what challenges you’re facing and how you’re coping, and they will usually let you know how much time they have for the call at the beginning.

They are non-judgemental, and everything you say to them is confidential, unless they have significant concerns about your safety (or someone else’s) and then they will contact our team. For more information on confidentiality, please see below.

How do I get a befriender?

To be linked up with a befriender you need to be a member first. If you are not already a member, please sign up here. Once you’ve become a member you will receive a phone call from one of our team and you can let them know you’d like a befriender.

If you are already a member and haven’t yet let us know you’d like a befriender, please email us at It helps if you let us know which group you normally attend too.

How does it work?

Our team will firstly try to pair you with someone from your existing group (if you have one) and will let you know their name so you know who to expect. We will pass your number and first name onto your befriender (they will not know your second name) and they should then call you within a week of receiving it. In this first call from them they will set up a good time for both of you to speak each week.

It doesn’t matter if you need to change when your weekly call is down the line, but initially it helps to have some routine.

What can I talk about?

You can talk about whatever is on your mind. There are no rules and no problem is too big or small for them to listen to.

It is an informal service though. Our volunteers are volunteers, they are not trained counsellors, so while many of them will have lived experience of their own mental health struggles, they are not “mental health professionals”. They are peers, and although they may be able to tell you what things have helped them in the past, but they’re not an advice line. They are also not a crisis service. If you are in crisis, this page may help you find more immediate and specialised support.

What if we run out of things to say?

That’s absolutely fine!

If one week you only want to speak for 5 minutes, that is completely fine and your befriender will not mind. We all have days when we are more able to talk than others. If you would just like to sit quietly with them at the other end of the phone and say nothing, that is also fine! It is your time to be supported. Don’t feel bad to say to them what would be best for you.

What if I can’t stop talking?

Don’t worry! Your befriender should let you know how much time they have to talk and when it gets near to that time they’ll let you know.

How confidential is the call?

Your full name is only known to Changes Bristol staff, and your befriender will only have your first name and your phone number. 

We want you to feel safe to talk about any of your thoughts and feelings with your befriender, however difficult or scary they may be. Therefore, anything you say within the call will be kept in strict confidence. There are however, some cases when your befriender may need to speak to a member of staff. These exceptions to confidentiality include:

  • If they are concerned that you may be a danger to yourself or someone else. In this circumstance your befriender would ask permission to try and find help for you (informed consent). If you did not agree, they would contact the staff team who would help to decide whether or not to get help without your consent. 
  • If they have a concern over child protection or terrorism (statute law dictates that these must be reported to the authorities)
  • If they are looking for guidance on other services that may be able to support you.
  • If they have concerns you are experiencing some kind of abuse (domestic, financial, psychological/emotional, organisational, neglect, self-neglect, discriminatory, physical, modern slavery or sexual abuse). 
  • If they feel they need some support themselves: each volunteer has a supervisor at Changes who supports them with their own wellbeing. 

How can I become a befriender?

If you’d like to be a befriender to someone else, please email and Emmie/Tara will get back to you. 

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New Partnership with PRG! Thu, 31 Oct 2019 10:49:20 +0000 We are extremely happy to announce that Precision Resource Group (PRG) have selected us to be one of their chosen charities! PRG are a local Bristol based recruitment agency that provide specific staffing solutions to their customers across a range of different markets. We are very much looking forward to working with PRG to raise […]

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We are extremely happy to announce that Precision Resource Group (PRG) have selected us to be one of their chosen charities!

PRG are a local Bristol based recruitment agency that provide specific staffing solutions to their customers across a range of different markets.

We are very much looking forward to working with PRG to raise awareness of our charity in their offices. We’ll be kicking the partnership off with a Mental Health Awareness Workshop for all staff at PRG. Then we’ll look at our fundraising events calendar for the year ahead.

We are very lucky to have so much support at Changes Bristol, to find out who else supports us click here

If you work at a local company and are interested in supporting Changes Bristol please get in touch with our Development & Events Manager, Kat at

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